Hi everyone before starting I would like to ask few questions,

# Do you have so many of clothes in your 
wardrobe but only few fits you?

# Do you feel envy of your slim figured colleagues ?

# You reject few dresses because they look weird after wearing?

If the answers are "yes" then you definitely need to loose some ponds.

Over weight is the problem which need to be 
resolved.A person with heavy weight finds himself very difficult to do his daily necessary activities.A person looks overage.It is found by some studies that slim people are more confident than fat people.Medically it is proved that fat people have more risk of heart attack than slim people.
All of us want to become slim and smart but it is also true that most of us don't want to do workout. Gyming is not everyone's cup of tea also some of us do not have that much time even.So do not take tension we are here with a proper and simple diet plan which you can follow easily along with some simple exercises which you can do at home thrice a week.So start your journey of weight loss.

Diet Plan for Vegetarians

1 glass milk (without sugar) + Protein powder + dry fruits
08:30 am
Sprouts / peanut chaat / upama / poha / idli / chila / multigrain bread sandwich / cornflakes / oats etc
11 am
1-2 bowl daal + 1 bowl green vegetable + 1 bowl salad + curd + 2 chapatis
3:00 pm
Seasonal Fruits + 1 glass chhach (mattha)
8:00 pm
1-2 bowl daal + 2 multigrain chapaties + vegetable
10 pm
(bed time)
1 glass milk (without sugar)+ protein powder / 2 protein biscuits
Tea, coffee and cold drinks
Include in diet
1. Lemon aid, coconut water, lentil soup
2. Replace sugar with jaggery
3. Eat lots of fruits and green vegetables
4. Use mix grain atta
5. Beans, chick peas, sprouts-add any one in your daily diet
6.Plenty of hot water

(Note : non vegetarians can include eggs,fish and chicken at the tine of breakfast and lunch with less oil.)

This is very simple diet chart which anyone can follow.There is no any day wise diet plan ,this plan can be followed everyday.With the help of this diet plan you can see drastic change in your health.
Basically for weight loss we need to have combination of both diet and exercise.We can not loose weight just by doing exercise,we need to take proper diet also for good results.

Here I am discussing few points which you can include in your daily life style.As we have discussed earlier also that now a days with our busy schedule its very hard to take off some time for gym. Just like we know that all 5 fingers are not equal it means that it is not necessary that our friend is doing gyming so we also get influenced by him/her.Everyone's life style, scenario,conditions are different so their weight loss journey should also be different ,keeping this in mind I am sharing some easy ways which can help you in your weight loss journey.

What to do for loosing weight :

1) Sound sleep :😴
      When we talk about sound sleep it means we should take proper 8-9 hours sleep without any worry.Sleep also affect your body metabolism.

  1. Drink plenty of hot water :πŸ₯ƒ

Drinking hot water helps boost your metabolism, cleanse your body of waste, and acts as an appetite suppressant. Also,drinking more water helps your body stop retaining water, leading you to drop those extra pounds of water weight.

  1. Avoid taking tension :πŸ˜’
    It has been proved that when a person takes too much of tension, he invites so many diseases and obesity is one of don't worry be happy.
  2. Eat on proper time :⏰
    There must be proper schedule for taking meal.You should fix a time for breakfast ,lunch and dinner.Also avoid eating after 9 in the night.
  3. Walk for 40 minutes :πŸƒ
    Walk is the most effective, simple yet no investment exercise.Morning walk is the most effective one but if you are not going for walk just because you do not have time in the morning then you are finding excuses for not doing exercise.Go for walk whenever you get  time ,in the evening or late night.

So these were some basic and simple things which everyone can follow very easily.Apart from that we should make our daily routine in such a way that it helps in maintaining our health and weight.e.g. Avoid sitting on one place for long time, enjoy your music and dance along πŸ’ƒ, play outdoor games with your kids 🎾, do not give orders to others do your work by your own ,do not eat too much of junk food πŸ•.

So what are you waiting for start following the above mentioned points.I know it will be difficult to follow the schedule for one week but after a week you will find it easy to follow.You can do it and you will do it.


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